South Dakota Work Search Requirements

Do I have to register for work with the South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation, or my designated state workforce agency?
All individuals filing for reemployment assistance benefits are required to be registered for work and to seek work unless: • You have a definite recall date to return to full-time work with an employer who paid 50 percent or more of your base period wages and, due to weather-related seasonal factors, work is not available in your primary base-period occupation and other suitable work is not available, or
• You are a member in good standing with a referring union through which you normally obtain employment, or
• You will be recalled to full-time work within 10 consecutive weeks by an employer.

In-state claimants are automatically registered with SDWORKS when their claim was filed. Out-of-state claimants are required to register with their designated state workforce agency, job service, workforce development, etc., and to submit proof of registration within 14 days of claim filing.

Do I have to look for work?
You must actively seek work while receiving benefits, starting with the week in which you file your claim, unless we instruct you otherwise. An active work search includes the following:

• Making a minimum of two job contacts in each week you are requesting benefits. This includes the non-paid waiting week. The minimum number of job contacts required may be increased depending on the status of your claim.
• Contacts should be made using a method customarily required by the employer. Contacts by telephone are not valid.
• Your work search must be a reasonable and honest effort to find work. Contacts with close relatives and spouses are not considered reasonable.
• You must be willing to accept the going wage in your area for the job or occupation in which you have the most experience or training. If there is no work or there are limited opportunities for you in your usual job, then you must be available for work you are capable of doing at the going wage for that type of work.
• Repeatjob contacts with the same employer are not acceptable unless 30 calendar days have elapsed between the job contacts.

Is there assistance to help me find employment?
You are required to report to all DLR services, such as Job Search Assistance Program (JSAP) and Re-Employment Services (RES), as scheduled. If you fail to attend, your benefits will stop until you report to your local Department of Labor and Regulation office and reopen your claim. Weekly requests for payment filed after a missed scheduled service or other request may not be paid. If you are unable to report for your JSAP, RES or other request, notify your local Department of Labor and Regulation office before the date of your interview or appointment to reschedules

Can I use employment agencies as job contacts?
Contacting your local Department of Labor and Regulation office or other employment agencies cannot be used to satisfy the requirement of making two job contacts each week

What if I leave the area to look for work?
If your job seeking requires you to be out of the area for more than two weeks, you must reopen your claim immediately at or by calling 605.626.3179 with a mailing address where you are currently seeking employment. If you do not reopen, you may lose benefits. You must register with the designated state workforce agency serving the area, such as the labor office, job service, workforce development, etc.

What if I am on recall?
If we have verified with your employer that you will return to work full-time (and you meet the work registration exemption criteria described on page 7), you will not be required to make two job contacts each week. You will be required to notify us immediately of any change in your recall status. If you decide that you will not be returning to work for that employer, you must reopen your claim and begin making two job contacts. If you do not return to work by the date your employer provided us, and you are still going to be called back to work, your employer will be responsible for contacting us to extend your recall date.

What kind of record must I keep of my work search?
You will be required to provide information on job contacts when you file your weekly request for payment. Keep records of your contacts with enough details so they can be verified. If you are applying for jobs on the internet, it is helpful to keep your sent and received e-mails from the employer and any confirmation numbers that are received. The Employer Contacts form can be found online at

Your work search contacts will be verified. Any individual who willfully or fraudulently misrepresents any fact concerning their work search will be denied benefits for four weeks for each week of misrepresentation. Also, any individual who falsifies job contacts, or dates of contacts, will be subject to a penalty of 50 percent of the amount of benefits obtained by fraud for the first offense and a 100 percent penalty for each subsequent offense.